13th Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to present the Society’s 13th Newsletter.

The ESNCH gathers not only colleagues from the old continent but also from Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas, confirming itself as the world’s largest society in the field of neurosonology and cerebral hemodynamics.

In many countries, Neurosonology is still under-recognized especially in Stroke Medicine, and for this reason we had decided to bring the 14th meeting of the ESNCH to the Baltic Republics, in particular to Riga, Latvia, where an enthusiastic colleague, Prof. G. Baltgaile, along with her team organized a very successful meeting in May 2009: young researchers had a great opportunity to present their work and share it with our senior members

Our Society continues to promote scientific research, education and training; in 2008 we launched a summer school training program: the 1st International Neurosonology Training Course of the ESNCH took place in September 2008 in Italy and it was a success; the next “training camp” will be held from the 8th to the 11th of September in Dubrovnik, Croatia. It will be a precious opportunity for our young colleagues to better their skills with the help of our very qualified trainers

The ESNCH encourages all members to actively support implementation of ultrasound in local stroke programs and to send to our webmaster, Prof. J. Klingelhöfer (neurologie@skc.de), announcements of upcoming events and conference reports for publication on our website: www.esnch.org

Last May, in Riga, Prof. Niederkom (President) and Prof. Bornstein (Committee Member), after many years of excellent service stepped down from their positions. Prof. Csiba was elected as the new President of our Society, while Prof. Baltgaile and Prof. Siebler were elected as new officers of the Executive Committee.

We ask all our members to send their e-mail address to our treasurer Matthias.Sturzenegger@insel.ch and to our secretary claudiobaracchini@tin.it in order to be kept informed on all current ESNCH activities.

We wish you all a very successful year and we are looking forward to seeing you in Madrid, Spain, in May.

Warm regards,

L. Csiba
President of the ESNCH

C. Baracchini
Secretary of the ESNCH