ESNCH Teaching Courses

Impressions of the ESNCH Teaching Courses

Impressions from the 3rd Baltic Summer School of Neurosonology in Riga Impressions

Impressions from the 3rd Baltic Summer School of Neurosonology in Riga

The 3rd Baltic Summer School of Neurosonology (BSSN) under auspice of ESNCH took place in Riga, on August 23rd. The conference was held one day and attracted 60 participants from Latvia and Lithuania. The main lecture “The examination of venous system of neck and head by ultrasound” was presented by one of the worldwide expert…


Impressions from the 3rd Baltic Summer School of Neurosonology in Riga

branka /
Impressions from the 2nd International Training Course of the ESNCH in Dubrovnik in 2010 Impressions

Impressions from the 2nd International Training Course of the ESNCH in Dubrovnik in 2010

September 8-11th 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia This year, our beautiful City Dubrovnik was the host of 2nd International Training Course of the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics (ESNCH). Over fifty attendees from all around the world, from Europe and Asia to South America, had the privilege to participate in lectures and discussions held by…


Impressions from the 2nd International Training Course of the ESNCH in Dubrovnik in 2010

branka /
Impressions from the Neurosonology Teaching Course in Budapest in 2010 Impressions

Impressions from the Neurosonology Teaching Course in Budapest in 2010

Neurosonology Teaching Course 11-12, March 2010 The Hungarian Neurosonological Society organized its third teaching course this March for ca. 60 participants. Because we have received numerous requests from neighboring countries to organize a course and exam for English speaking colleagues too, we decided to organize a parallel ESNCH course with international participation. Sixteen colleagues came…


Impressions from the Neurosonology Teaching Course in Budapest in 2010

branka /
Impressions from the 1st International Neurosonology Training Course in Bertinoro in 2008 Impressions

Impressions from the 1st International Neurosonology Training Course in Bertinoro in 2008

The Secretary, Dr. C. Baracchini, reported on the First International Neurosonology Training Course of the ESNCH which was held in Bertinoro (Italy) from the 7th to the 11th of September 2008. Although the duration of the course was quite long (5 days) and the organization required a great amount of work to prepare a suitable…


Impressions from the 1st International Neurosonology Training Course in Bertinoro in 2008

branka /

Information and forms for the organisation of ESNCH Teaching Courses


Application for organisation of ESNCH Teaching Course


European Accreditation Application Form


Submission of Application for CME Credit from the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education