David Russell young neurosonologist research award

David Russell young neurosonologist research award is a part of our mission to support the development of new and original ideas. Young researchers are the future of our Society and we strongly encourage the interested neurosonologists younger than 35 years of age to submit their proposals to the Proposals Evaluation Committee (PEC).

Proposals Evaluation Committee (PEC) will review the proposals and inform the authors on decision. At each of the yearly ESNCH Meetings the best 3 proposals will have a chance to be presented in a form of short communication and the best proposal will be funded by the ESNCH in the amount of 1,000.00 EUR for the period of 1 year.

Authors of the 3 best proposed projects will get the following benefits:



PEC will give a written proposal to the authors on how to improve the quality of their research projects



The ESNCH will promote the best projects in public media and it will offer a platform to increase the number of participating centers in the study if required by the study design



Financial support and oral presentations at the ESNCH Meetings

Dr. Palmieri’s story

During my Neurology Residency at the University of Padua (Italy) in 2017, I started thinking about a Neurosonology project on micro-embolic signals monitoring by trans-cranial Doppler (TCD) in patients with cryptogenic stroke, a topic I was very interested in. First, I learned basics on managing TCD with my tutor, Dr. Baracchini. When I was finally able to perform TCD monitoring by myself, I started planning how to build up the study, how to select patients and all the other elements of the project. I discussed the draft with my tutor and got corrections and improvements from him. At the beginning of 2018, I had the opportunity to do an internship at the Neurosonology Unit in Giessen (Germany), under the supervision of Prof. Kaps, who helped me to improve the protocol and to build up a multicenter trial. We also performed together a feasibility study in which I came up against the practical challenges of acute stroke protocols, especially with patients’ recruitment. We set up a shared protocol for a multicenter study, which I presented at the 2018 ESNCH Meeting in Prague, winning the “Young Investigator Award”. During the following months, I started recruiting patients in Italy. I used the prize to improve my skills in Neurosonology: I attended Zadar Summer School of Neurosonology and Stroke Management (September 2018) and I registered to next ESNCH Meeting (April 2019), during which I will present the preliminary results of my study. I consider this an exciting opportunity to continue developing my research in a stimulating scientific context and I am really grateful to ESNCH for it.

Dr. Anna Palmieri from Padua, Italy, receives the 1st ESNCH Young Researcher Award
at the ESNCH Conference in Prague, Czech Republic in 2018 for her study proposal:
Microembolic Signals in Acute Stroke Patients with Atrial Cardiopathy: A Prospective Study.

Proposals Evaluation Committee (PEC): Professor Eva Bartels (Munich, Germany), Professor Elsa Azevedo (Porto, Portugal), Professor Marina Diomedi (Rome, Italy)

Send Your Application

Please send your application form or contact us if you have any further questions on our e-mail