Dear Colleagues and Friends,
After a strong neurosonological start of the year, the neurosonological challenges continue, with a lot of work to do, achievable only by the joint effort of all the ESNCH community.
Amidst all the activity we would like to update our members on the most recent developments:
- The ESNCH Working Groups are continuing their activities. In the last week of February a very productive online meeting took place, achieving definition of the overall goals and deadlines for the working groups in 2022. We would also like to appreciate and recognize the many ESNCH members that expressed their intention to contribute to this important project. For more information, please follow the link.
- The preparations for the ESNCH Conference 2022 are now well underway! The ESNCH Executive Committee will meet in early March to finalize the scientific program. Follow the updates on the meeting’s website.
- ENSCH is taking active steps to be closer to the membership. The newly formed Council of Nations will gather national representatives of the society. Invitations for national representative will start soon. Feel free to suggest a member for consideration using the contact form.
- ESNCH has had massive increase in social media presence with at least one post per week announcing relevant events and news. Please follow and share ESNCH on Twitter (@neurosonology), Facebook and LinkedIn. We will also continue monthly newsletters to keep members updated and engaged but these channels will continue to be updated more frequently.
- We end with a note from our Treasurer: please remember to pay your annual membership fee of 25€. Payment can be performed by bank transfer. Do not forget to re-new your annual membership to stay neurosonologically updated and to obtain conference and meetings discounts!
Very best regards,
Branko Malojcic
ESNCH President
João Sargento Freitas
ESNCH Secretary General