8th Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

It’s our pleasure to present the Society’s 8th Newsletter. Most of you attended our meeting in Wetzlar, Germany, in 2004. We are sure that we are speaking on behalf of all the attendees in saying that we had a wonderful time there. A lot of registrations had been received from all over the world, as well as scientific contributions of high standard indeed. The leading experts in the field of neurosonology had been attending to present the recent developments in their field. Also, members of the study group “Vascular Ultrasound” and the Section of Neurosonology of the DEGUM had been making their own part of the program showing recent research findings. In fact, there was a unique convergence of know-how in neurosonology. The half-timbered houses of Wetzlar’s old town, pittoresque squares and narrow lanes, as well as the baroque buildings emphasized the inspiring atmosphere of this meeting. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to – once again – thank Professor Manfred Kaps and his excellent team on behalf of the Society.

The 10th Meeting of the ESNCH will take place in Abano Terme, Padova, Italy, and Dr. Giorgio Meneghetti is our host. More than 200 abstracts have been submitted yet. This number of submissions reflects both the high interest in the field of neurosonology and cerebral hemodynamics, and the popularity of our society. We are now looking forward to enjoying this year’s meeting in Abano Terme, Padova, Italy. Each of us was dismayed by the sudden death of our wonderful friend and colleague, Professor Elietta Maria Zanette, in February 2004. For many years she had been a member of the Executive Committee of our Society. In 1999, she chaired and organized the 4th memorable ESNCH meeting in Venice, a really memorable event. Elietta Maria Zanette was a remarkable personality known for her friendliness, deep humanity, wiseness and outstanding competence in neurosonology. We will never forget her, and we will always miss her deeply. In honour of Elietta Maria Zanette, the joint scientific session “Neurosonology in clinical practice” is dedicated to her and will be held in the Aula Magna of the University of Padova on Monday, May 23, at 16:00 hours. We want to take the opportunity to welcome new members of the Society. All current members of the Society are listed below. At present, the Society has 357 members from 46 countries. On our website www.ESNCH.org you will also find the current phone and fax numbers, as well as the e-mail addresses of most of our members. Please make sure that your current membership status and addresses are correct. You are invited to amend your current phone and fax numbers as well as the e-mail addresses or to add a new one in case that one has changed or has not yet been included. This is very important because it guarantees an easy communication between all members.

The ESNCH meeting in 2006 will be held in Düsseldorf, Germany, and Professor Mario Siebler will be the organizing chairman. You will find a first announcement of this meeting below. The European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics is now solidly established and successful. This is why the members of the Executive Committee feel that the time has come to rejuvenate this Society and its organs on a democratic basis. We therefore decided to continuously replace 2 members of the Executive Board every year in order to achieve a gradual but steady turnover. This will give the previous officers the opportunity to pass on all of their experience to the new ones. Each member in good standing has had the opportunity to submit suggestions for potential candidates of the Executive Committee to our Election Board represented by Professor Ringelstein, Professor Russell and Professor Oliveira. The election will be held on our General Assembly Meeting in Abano Terme, Padova, on Tuesday, May 24, at 14:30 hours. We wish you a fulfilling year and best success, and we are looking forward to welcoming you in Abano Terme, Padova, Italy, in May 2005.

Yours sincerely,

E.B. Ringelstein

J. Klingelhöfer