Treasurer´s Report 2007
Dear colleagues and friends,
As I stated in my previous reports, I am pleased to inform you that the financial situation of the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics is stable and sound. Enclosed you can find the balance of the account of the Society for the year 2007.
This is my last Report of the Treasurer. I managed the finances of the Society since 1997. Now it is a great pleasure for me to transfer this money to Switzerland to Matthias Sturzenegger, the new treasurer of the ESNCH, and I wish him good luck and lot of success in this function.
We are all now looking forward to the upcoming 13th Meeting of the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics.
I wish the participants a pleasant stay in Genova and a stimulating scientific exchange.
Yours sincerely,
Eva Bartels Munich, May 6, 2008
European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics
Assets € | ||
Assets as of Dec 31, 2006 | ||
Deutsche Bank, account # 655250960 | 76,49 | |
Deutsche Bank, account # 655250900 | 401,91 | |
Deutsche Bank, account # 655250961 -fixed term deposit |
139,55 | |
Deutsche Bank, account # 655250963 -fixed term deposit |
27.000,00 | |
27.617,95 | ||
Jan 01, 2007 to Dec 31, 2007 | Income € | Expenses € |
Membership fees | 4.915,00 | |
Congress Düsseldorf-paid in 2007 | 3.500,00 | |
Congress Budapest-paid in 2007 | 0,00 | |
Interest income | 847,02 | |
Bank fees | 337,71 | |
Executive Commitee Meeting 2007 (paid 2008) |
0,00 | |
Poster Prizes | 600,00 | |
Administrative costs (memb. fees 1) | 980,00 | |
Administrative costs (Memb. fees 2) | 980,00 | |
Administrative costs | 978,00 | |
Consulting fees | 249,90 | |
Taxes on interest income | 279,30 | |
9.262,02 | 4.404,91 | |
4.404,91 | 4.404,91 | |
Liquidity surplus | 4.857,11 | |
Assets as of Dec 31, 2007 | 32.475,06 | |
Assets in Detail of Dec 31, 2007 | ||
Deutsche Bank, account # 655250960 | 32.475,06 | |
Deutsche Bank, account # 655250900 | 0,00 | |
Deutsche Bank, account # 655250961 -fixed term deposit |
0,00 | |
Deutsche bank, account # 655250963 -fixed term deposit |
0,00 | |
32.475,06 |
Genova Meeting: News from the Treasurer
Membership Applications:
27 new members applied during the Genova meeting.
Altogether in the Year 2008 we have so far 33 new members, – that’s great!
Their age is 40 years on average, with a range from 29 to 75 years.
The new members come from 13 countries (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, USA)
A warm WELCOME to all of you!!
Annual Membership Fee
I tried at the Genova Meeting for the first time to collect the membership fees on site.
This was quite a successful experiment: 97 payed their Membership Fee/s (annual or if necessary for the passed up to four years- Thank you!!) at the Meeting, cash on site at the front desk.
Thus saving around 5 EURO each to the Society, instead of giving this amount to the bank, the credit card company, or for postage fees!!
I will repeat this experiment next year (2009) at the Riga Meeting, but in a more easy and more professionalized way!
I hope that next year 200 will pay on site!! Thank you in advance
With my best regards,
Mathias Sturzenegger