10th Meeting of the ESNCH in Padova

The 10th Meeting of the ESNCH took place in Abano Terme, Padova, Italy, from May 21st to 24th, 2005 and was organised by chairman Giorgio Meneghetti.

446 experts attended the meeting coming from Western and Eastern Europe, the USA, the middle and far East, South America and Australia. The attention of the experts was focused on the most recent developments in the various fields of neurosonology, but the running theme of the meeting was the applicability of ultrasound in daily clinical practice. Furthermore, future technological developments and specific applications of ultrasound were also part of the program and received a great acceptance. A touching moment was the section dedicated to Prof. Elietta Maria Zanette at the Aula Magna of the University of Padova, the cradle of the European medicine, and the visit of the anatomical theatre of Fabrici d’Acquapendente which was represented on the logo of the Meeting. We really enjoyed our time in Padova where famous scientists as Copernicus or Galileo Galilei had already worked.