ESNCH Executive Committee members are elected from and by the general membership of ESNCH. In 2023, two new members of the ESNCH Executive Committee will be elected during the ESNCH General Assembly, at the International Training Course 2023 in Zadar, Croatia.
The ESNCH Election Committee would therefore like to ask all members to nominate candidate(s) for these two positions. Please send your proposal to the Secretary General of the ESNCH, no later than 1 June 2023. e-mail:
The proposal should include the following:
1. A short half-page CV summary of the member proposed.
2. Confirmation that the proposed member is willing to accept the position if elected.
3. The proposed member must agree to promote the ESNCH in their country.
All nominators as well as members who are proposed for these positions must be fully paid members of the ESNCH. Annual membership remains 25 EUR and can be paid by bank transfer.
In order to improve gender balance within the Executive Committee, at least one of the positions will be attributed to a female candidate. In case the two most voted candidates are female, both the positions will be attributed to those candidates. In the event of two male candidates receiving the most votes, the candidate with the highest number of votes will be elected, together with the most voted female candidate. If you would like to nominate more than one candidate, please keep gender balance in mind.
The deadline for nominations is 1 June 2023 23:59 CEST.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Claudio Baracchini (Chairman)
Prof. Vitor Oliveira
Prof. Bernd Ringelstein