16th Meeting of the ESNCH in Munich

The 16th Meeting of the ESNCH took place in Munich, Germany, 20th – 23rd May 2011.

Munich represents a special city for our Society because it was the site of the very first meeting of the ESNCH. The President of that meeting was Prof. Klingelhöfer, currently our webmaster, while the scientific secretary of the meeting was Prof. Eva Bartels, who this time has been the Conference Chairperson. Prof. Bartels presented the conference site and topics during the 15th Meeting of the ESNCH in Madrid.

More than 410 participants from 51 countries pursuited almost 200 various scientific Poster presentations, lectures and Oral presentations. Moreover it was a great pleasure to congratulate our 16 colleagues, who passed the International Certification in Neurosonology., and the 3 winners of the Poster-Prizes. Furthermore we like to thank all participants, speakers and attendants for  their commitment and enthusiasm.