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6th Newsletter – Conclusion of the 7th Meeting of the ESNCH

7th Meeting of the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics
Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland
May 26th – 28th, 2002
Organizing Chairman
Mathias Sturzenegger

For reasons of limited budget the meeting was held in the rooms of the University Hospital (Figure 1), organized by employees of the Department of Neurology and mainly based on the Internet (programs, announcements) and on e-mail (invitations, arrangements). All visitors were delighted about the exciting and extremely helpful Congress’ Website set up by Rune Aaslid. Two half-day (Basic and Advanced) each with short introductory lectures and ample hands-on time to use newest equipment guided by experienced teachers, found great interest with 130 participants and an average evaluation rating of 3.4 (maximum 4) (Figure 2 and 3). 10 of 90 min duration with the following headline topics were scheduled:

Physiology of Cerebral Hemodynamics
Acute Stroke
Ultrasound Contrast Media – Flow, Perfusion and Tissue Imaging
Functional Aspects of Arterial Wall Imaging – IMT and Atherosclerosis
Embolism – Physics, New Developments and Results
20 Years of TCD Diagnosis and Monitoring of Cerebral Vasospasm – History and the Future
Is there a Place for Cerebral Vasoreactivity Studies in Clinical Practice?
Functional Methods (fTCD vs. fMRI)
Cerebral Circulation Monitoring, Procedures and Protocols
New Developments in Neurosonology

(Figure 4) Each session was introduced by two invited key note speakers’ lecture and then followed by 5 oral platform presentations selected among the 199 submitted abstracts. These had been reviewed (electronically by e-mail distribution) and rated by four experts and attributed according to a sum score either to the oral or poster session. Thus we had altogether 21 keynote lectures and 45 oral platform presentations. All the remaining 144 abstracts were evaluated by a poster-viewing committee during the two Poster Sessions, each consisting of 5 parallel- guided Poster viewing tours with two experts. For each session two price winners were finally selected by a poster awarding committee. Since the ESNCH is kind of a “family” (more so than “common” medical congresses), the social events are important opportunities to make new and to renew old friendship. The organizers therefore have tried to make these events [Get together Party (Figure 5) Official Reception (Figure 6); Closing Gala Dinner (Figure 7) (see Website!)] accessible to all participants and also show our guests some nice places in town.

Yours sincerely,
Mathias Sturzenegger